Benefits of retrofitting Batteries

Going solar is an excellent way to reduce your energy bills, decrease your carbon footprint and increase your energy independence. However, without the use of batteries, solar energy systems are not always as efficient as they could be. In this blog post, we will discuss the drawbacks of having solar without batteries, the benefits of retrofitting batteries to solar, and the advantages of time of use battery charging to fully maximise your energy bill savings.

Problems with solar without batteries

When you install solar panels on your property, the energy generated during daylight hours is either used immediately or sent back to the grid. If you are not at home or use little electricity during the day, this energy is lost, and you may not be able to benefit from your solar panels fully. Without batteries, you will also be dependent on the grid for electricity during times when your solar panels are not generating enough energy, like in the evening or on cloudy days.

Benefits of retrofitting batteries to solar

By retrofitting batteries to your solar panels, you can store the excess energy generated during the day for later use. This means you can use the energy when you need it, even when your solar panels are not generating energy, increasing your self-consumption and reducing your reliance on the grid. Finally, batteries allow you to have greater control over your energy usage and can help you achieve greater sustainability and energy efficiency.

Time of use battery charging

In the wintertime in Scotland, at times solar doesn’t create enough excess to fill your battery. A time of use tariff can be the answer to this problem. Time of use battery charging is a way of charging your battery during off-peak hours when energy prices are low and then using that stored energy during peak hours when prices are higher. This means you can save further money on your energy bills by charging your battery during off-peak hours and then using that energy when energy prices are higher. Time of use battery charging is also beneficial for the grid, as it reduces the demand for energy during peak hours, leading to a more stable energy supply.


If you already have solar panels or are considering installing them, retrofitting batteries can help you maximize the benefits of solar energy. By storing excess energy generated during the day, you can use that energy when you need it, reduce your reliance on the grid, and increase your energy independence. Additionally, to combat reduced solar performance in the winter, time of use battery charging can help you save money on your energy bills while also supporting a more stable energy grid. It's important to note that the savings from a time of use tariff will depend on the specific tariff offered by the energy provider, as well as the energy usage patterns of the homeowner or business. If you would like us to assess your situation and find out if batteries would benefit you then simply fill in the contact form on our website, and one of our specialists will contact you within 24 hours.

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